
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

recipe: chicken n' cheese!

I will tell you how to make my family's favourite sauce! :)
It takes less than an hour to make and there will be enough for at least four people (depends on how hungry you are and how much you usually eat).
For me it tastes better with rice, but my husband prefers potatoes.. actually it is really good with buckwheat or pasta too.

1 or 2 chicken fillets (depends on how much meet you'll want)
400g cream cheese ( in Latvia the clear choice is "Dzintars" for all of you who doesn't live here .. well I just hope you have something similar in your stores too)
200g champignions
1 paprica
2 tomatoes (I chose the yellow tomatoes just to make the sauce colorful)
a bit of salt, pepper and a teaspoon of cooking oil too

cutting board
big frying pan
wooden spoon