
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Letter of the week: I

The simplest letter there is! :P

And maybe most important one!
a lot of mighty things start with ourselves - I am. I love. I hope...
I will do this! ;)

Row 1: Ch5, on the third (and fourth) chain dc2tog, dc. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 2, on same (and next) st dc2tog, dc. Turn.
Repeat second row 9 times.
Fasten off.
(overall letter I consists of 11 rows)

On the go photos so it's easier to understand confusing places of the pattern (if any) ...

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Magical life of crocheter

I am obsessed with Harry Potter...
Even as I am writing this in background there are sounds from third movie: Prisoner of Azkaban... After I reread the books in autumn I have watched all movies twice already...
o, my ...
(watched is a strong term, because crocheters usually listen to movies not really watches them :D)

When I started crocheting letters first thing I thought was that I need 3 letters for each day of the week (M, T, W, T, F, S, S) well just in Latvian (P, O, T, C, P, S, S) for weekly pocket calendar from recycled jeans (that is already hanged up in second floor hall but we haven't started using it as I had imagined ... that probably is the reason why I haven't shared it here yet).
But when kids saw the letters they wanted some of their letters and I thought why not whole words and when I had that many I picked quote and didn't stop making those letters till I could "write it down" ;) 

The magic in all of this is that one small thing leads to another and as long as that light burns over that latest idea there is no telling how far that might go ... ;)

I promise that the patterns of the letters used to write down this amazing quote from J. K. Rowling's book character Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore will start to appear here soon ;)

Happy Crafting!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Testing new things :)

This is the test piece of how the Blanket of the Waves will look like. I'm not showing you sides yet because well .. they suck :P

Ok, actually just one side is totally unusable.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Hex A Tile! ;P

One fun day over at the instagram we where droooling over tiles ... and I just happened to have few hexagons so I HAD to try it out!

First thing I thought that the easiest way to make this would be plain hexies (probably with first round black) joined with black and then when it looked way too much like a simple honeycomb blanket one would crochet sl st over it in rows so it would makes it come to life ...
BUT when I saw the real hexies and started joining them in my mind I soon discovered that I the best way is to make plain hexies (no need for first round in different colour) and then join them as if using ruler :)