
Monday, May 20, 2019

Scrappy Rug: Pinwheel block

I noticed I have way more scraps than I need to finish my WavyC2C of scraps so ... i played around a little and remembered squares I saw by fantastic Quilt designer & pattern maker Jemima Flendt (@tiedwitharibbon) called ConfettiQuilt so I dreamed up this 😏

Although you can use any pattern to make a scrappy rug - why not something new and fun?

And of course you could make it NOT scrappy at all .. but for me making with scrap yarn is like quilting with old jeans ... Repurposing has become a lifestyle lately :D

How do you start the block?
Colors ..
Pick tone for background (bluish greens for me - will be worked full rows from beginning till end)
Then 3 distinct colors for marking three different parts. I chose dark tones: browns and bluish greys for sides. And white for middle.

Pattern is simple solid granny square quarter.
All stitches worked with two colors at a time.
Tricky part is changing colours but I have quite a few pictures here on how to do it so you should be fine ;)
Tip: untangle threads as you go because otherwise you will have a hard time getting to the 10th row...