
Friday, July 14, 2017

Letter of the week: A

And the naming game is ON:


and many more I like (I won't show you because they do not start with A :P ) ... hubby says none of mine could be the one and only for our little princess and thank god after more than two months of indecision he has his own favourite. A name I hadn't even considered (to be honest I hadn't even noticed it), but each day I like it more and more ... so probably me and my 30 possibilities will have to cave in and accept the one he has chosen ...

Pattern for letter A is pretty much the same as for letter V just turn it around and add "-" similar like I did for H ;)

Row 1: Ch 4, sc on 2nd st, hdc, dc. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 2, on same (and next) st dc2tog, dc. Turn.
Repeat second row 2 times.
Row 5: Ch 9. Dc in 3rd chain from hook. Dc in each of next sts. Turn.
Row 6: Ch 2, on same (and next) st dc2tog, dc. Turn.
Repeat 6th row 5 times.
Row 12: Ch 3, dc on same st, hdc on next, sc. ch 1 hdc on the side of dc. Htr, tr in the space between dc's.
Row 13: Ch 1, sc, hdc, dc on previous rows tr. Turn.
Row 14: Ch 2, on same (and next) st dc2tog, dc. Turn.
Repeat 14th row.
Row 16: Ch 2, pull loop trough the corner of "-" from row 5, on same (and next) st dc2tog, dc. Turn.
Row 17: Ch 2, on same (and next) st dc2tog, sl st on other corner of "-" from row 5. Turn.
Row 18: Ch 2, on same (and next) st dc2tog, dc. Turn.
Repeat 18th row 2 times.
Row 21: Ch 2, on same (and next) st dc & hdc tog, sc.
Fasten off.
(overall letter A consists of 21 rows)

Few photos to clarify some harder parts of the pattern ...

Happy crafting! ;)

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