
Sunday, July 08, 2018

LovelyCAL: part 8

let's keep on joining! ;)

we started and joined first 2 rows on part 6, look at that again if you would like to refresh your memory on how we did things (and how we will keep on doing things) ..

Now we will join further and I'll share some more tips for jayg:

  • 13-17 are mostly about joining tiny wave line, aka heart tops ;)
  • 18-19 are all about joining big wave line, aka heart bottoms :D

So few more steps to show & make it easier to understand how continuous join as you go works for the hearts:

12. is just a reminder of basic things..
We are always copying last row of the heart we are currently working around (or heart part, not the last row of the pattern but actual row of the heart), only difference - instead of dc we will be making bpdc (back post double crochet) and when joining to other heart instead of ch we will be making sl st or sc.

sl st when joining

sc when turning away

simple ch when working new side