
Monday, July 08, 2019

Lovely CAL: addendum 1

I've been promising this forever - so here it is - Tiny heart - consists of two row hexies.. pretty much the same as big heart but different :D

Three sketches to help you visualize structure of the granny heart before we begin ;)

And now the pattern itself:


Magic ring.
Row 1 (worked in magic ring): Ch3 (counts as dc), dc, ch. *2 dc, ch* repeat from * to * 4 more times. Turn, pull yarn trough top ch of first dc.
(18 sts: 6ch, 12dc)

Row 2: Sl st in ch space. Sc, ch2 (counts as dc), dc in same sp. *Ch, 2 dc, ch, 2 dc in next ch sp * repeat from * to * 4 more times. Ch, 2dc in last ch sp. Ch, sl st on top ch of first dc.
(36 sts: 12 ch, 24dc)


Row 3: Ch 2 (counts as dc), sc in next ch sp of previous round, aka hexagon A (counts as ch). Turn. Dc in A corner. *Ch, 2dc* repeat from * to * 2 more times. Sc in ch sp of previous round (counts as ch).
(13 sts: 5ch, 8dc)

Row 4: Ch2 (counts as dc), turn, pull yarn trough ch of A corner. Sl st in last ch made, dc in ch sp. *Ch, 2dc, ch, 2dc in next ch sp * repeat from * to * 2 more times. Ch, 2dc in last ch sp. Sc in corner ch sp of A.
(35 sts: 7 ch, 16dc)


To get to next side&row:
Ch2 (will act as dc in row 6), sc (will act as ch) in next ch sp, ch2 (will act as dc in row 5), sl st in next ch sp (for corner to be thinner), ch 2 (will act as dc in row 5), sc (will act as ch) in next ch sp of A.
(9 sts: 6 ch, 2 sc, 1 sl st)

Row 5: Turn. Dc in A corner, ch. * 2dc, ch in A corner * repeat from * to * 1 more time. Dc in same sp, sl st in 2nd ch of the dc.
(13 sts: 5ch, 8dc)

Row 6: sc in ch sp, ch (counts as dc), turn, pull yarn trough top ch of dc. Sl st in last ch made. *Ch, Ch, 2dc, ch, 2dc in next ch sp* repeat from * to * 2 more times. Ch, 2dc in last ch sp. Sl st in corner ch sp of A. Fasten off.
(23 sts: 7ch, 16dc)

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