
Saturday, April 06, 2013

ten thousand clicks! :)

Today I am celebrating the first 10000 clicks on my blog!!! woohoo!
If you are not interested in numbers and a walk in memory lane then please do not read further and remember that I do this kind of blog posts rarely :)

So three of all time favorite blog posts:

  1. Blanket of the hearts with 4785 views
  2. Lacy granny square with 603 views
  3. Hedgehog with 336 views

Although I think the most brilliant blogpost I have written so far is I love math .. I wonder why it hasn't been appreciated more ..

And most of my visitors come from:

  1. USA with 3528 views
  2. Netherlands with 1770 views
  3. Great Britain with 645 views

And Latvia is not even on the list .. apparently I am not very popular amongst my people...

I have written 41 blog posts (42 if you count this one).
And 22 amazing people want to read the unwritten posts too ;)

Well you might think that these numbers are too small to brag about, but I am very proud of myself today :)

I remember the day I was noticed by Freubelweb. If I remember correctly that day I had more than two hundred clicks and my heart jumped! till this day I had about 40 visitors a month, so you can visualize my surprise when I saw 200 clicks in one day!
It was so wonderful to be noticed! and then it hit me, that it doesn't metter what I do or write unless someone else says it's cool and worth a while... so I started to think about getting noticed.. as it turns out it's not so simple.
Somewhere around that time I joined pinterest - it's awesome for storing Ideas! first few days (ok ok first few weeks) it was hard to take a break from the picture browsing ... there are loads of pretty stuff!
after a while I was just thinking about new summer bag and a friend of mine suggested to search for a pattern in ravelry and I caved // I had heard about it before but always talked myself out of joining becouse of jet another password .. so I discovered ravelry - such an amazing site! why did I wait so long to sign up? It's wonderful way to find and share patterns and show off your current projects :) btw, great way to get noticed too ;)
and of course I love instagramm - such a great place to get positive emotions!

I think this waterfall of words is enough for today ... have a nice crafty day!


  1. be proud! I love your blog, love your work. and i am in the US also!

  2. felicitaciones por el blog soy de argentina beso
