
Saturday, April 20, 2019

V-stitch sweater

As instagrammers might have noticed my autumn jacket is still procrastinating in the boxes .. but I found long forgotten, almost finished V-stitch sweater. and thought to myself that i should finally finish it and rock the spring again! :D
(do you remember the fun and bright spring sweater i made when I was carrying the tiny one?)

So it all started here - when I found it hidden in a box - spring cleaning brings out rabbits too not just hidden mess under the beds :D

Read more about construction:
1. It is pretty much just V-stith worked in rounds;

2. I do turn my work starting new round, so the V's would be in line (at the end of the round I do 3 sl st to join beginning and end & to get to the the next ch sp. after that I make 3 ch, turn and work V stitches all around);

3. It is worked by constantly trying it on :D so no real pattern ..

4. I do however have a slow 3 round increase of a V-stitch made up and used for sleeves mainly (so that they would fit better :) )
  • I replace 1 V with \|/ (instead of dc ch dc in same ch sp I make dc ch dc ch dc in same ch sp);
  • on next row for \|/ I make W (middle dc's are worked in separate ch sp and crocheted together);
  • on next row I make simple V stitch in all ch sp ;)

5. I also did weird Vstitch decrease for the shoulder part but it changes for pretty much every row (I did a LOT of trying it out as I went and frogging too) ..  :)

And then I put it on when going for mini-vacation :D it coincided with the first really warm day so I got the chance to show it off :)

Last picture on the floor lookin all wip until I tried it on and realised it is just right :D

Enjoying the view & sunshine :)

Happy Easter! ;)
& crafting - obviously .. :D

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