Monday, September 07, 2015


You have probably heard that time flies when you're having fun …
or kids .. or fun with kids …

School year has started in our home too
This year Oli joined the big kids group. And Sam is going to start kindergarten in a week with all the other babies … and with all those lists of needed supplies and stuff I almost feel as if we were getting ready for school ..
As a meditation in this stressful time I chose to make pencil cases by myself :)

pencil case in numbers:
1/2 clew of yarn
1 zipper  in the length of your pens or pencils
39 rows of single crochet in the length of your zipper
2 circles with three rounds: 1st row 13 dc. 2nd row 26 dc (222…). 3rd row 39 hdd (2121…) 
and a little bit of time (took me one full day of stolen free time for each of these pretties)

Happy crafting!


  1. Priekš dārziņa? Olī vajag rakstāmpederumus savus līdzi uz dārziņu? :)

    1. jap .. visu iespējamo vajag .. gošas, krītiņi, plastalīns, zīmuļi, flomīši, papīrs tāds un šitāds un kas tik vēl ne :|

    2. oho... tad jau toč kā uz skolu. Labi, ka mums tik češkas un sporta tērpu vajag :)

    3. un Samantai tikpatgarš saraksts … vienkārši vājprāts …
      bet ar českām smieklīgi - visas pārāk šauras, kāju iekšā nevar dabūt - nopirkām žeķes ar ādiņu zoles vietā :D
