Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Random rambling: my little tricksters

* when you love to be naked
And are old enough to know how to take off your clothes ... easy game till mom figures out a solution and "help" you wear something that is hard to get out of .. it works for about a week and then you have grown and can outsmart her again - pee in your pants and mom will have no choice but to help you undress ... (evilgrin)
Sam now, Oli 2 years ago 
When this happens after what seems as an eternity spent trying to dress up that screaming monster I just want to cry ... thank god most of the times we are not in hurry to get somewhere so its just frustrating for me.

* drawing is easy!
especialy when all of the drawing is done by the grownup .. "please draw me a car, tractor, airplane, helicopter ... flower, tree, house ... pig, cow, bunny ... " after you have listened to your mom about hundred times why you should draw at least some of the stuff yourself just keep repeating previous sentence and after a while you can easily say just "NO, you!" and pictures will appear as if from nowhere!
Oli always, Sam sometimes

* lunchtime 
When the big bro has to be fed now and little sis refuses any help .. Oli was the same when he was her age thou .. so I suppose I am in for repeat of some kind ..

* nap-time
The only one who is always sleepy at nap-time is mom .. kids just somehow gain their speed and volume .. then when they have managed to wake up mom it is time to rest for a bit (or keep jumping on the bed) while mom drinks her second cup of cofee (every other day I think about spicing it up with rum .. thank god we almost never have any alcohol at house)

* playground is fun!
and no-one ever has wanted to leave this heaven! maybe mom, sometimes. 
My bag is always filled with candy ... and some of it is even meant for the kids :D

* bath time
always! you can be in water and scream bloody murder for some bath time ... just to make mommy mad and give you some more bath toys .. 
never! it can be nowhere near bath time and you can just refuse to get whashed up just because you haven't had that argument today and your little sis seems to enjoy her fifth bath time of the day way too much..
Oli about a month ago
As they are kids and do get quite dirty during the day I prefer them wanting to get in the water on their own terms but with Sam being a bit sick I just can't let her sit in bath (witch is actually 1 or 2 big plastic bowls in the shower) all day long or seven times a day each day ... at times parenting sucks ...

* snack or two
or even more! we are always ready for some snacks! you can never bee too full for chocholate, cookies, cakes, juices, bananas, apples ... and you can never be hungry enough to eat tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli ...
both of my tricksters

Thank god they both like cucumber, milk, curd and Sam loves real meat (not just sausages), otherwise I would think that they run on pure sugar .. as am I most of the time ... my sweet tooth is waaaay to big :D I had high hopes for my kids in this area as my hubby is more of a "gimme meet, meet, meet!" kind of a guy.

I do love my little tricksters

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