Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Chanterelle pie

A while ago I unexpectedly got a big basket of chanterelles from my hubby's aunt, so I thought I should  make something more interesting than chanterelle sauce and fill up a jar for winter (I did those too, but the pie was a challenge to make something different than usual)...
So I made a savory pie!

Recipe is nowhere near perfect, but to remind myself what I did when I get the next big basket of chanterelles and try to make this pie even better ... :)
This pie tastes better on the second day ... I think it's because when it's right from oven the shortcrust pastry makes it kind of dry ... next time I would add some tomatoes, cauliflower or something to make it juicier right from oven ... to enjoy it while it's still hot :)

base - shortcrust pastry:
220 g flour
1 egg yolk
160 g butter
2 tbsp cold water
a pinch of salt

300g chanterelles
1 egg-white
70ml cream
60g grated cheese
a pinch of salt
about 4 tbsp of oil

Short instructions:
Start with the base ... So I warmed up the butter and added flour, water and salt. Started mixing. When it cooled down a bit I added egg yolk. Kept mixing until it became homogeneous. Put it to cool down in refrigerator.
Then wash the chanterelles and cut them up. Put them on the frying pan, added oil and salt. turn on the oven 200 . While they are frying whip the egg-white with cream and add grated cheese. Fill the pie form with shortcrust pastry and put it in oven for 10 minutes. Then take it out fill it with chanterelles right from the frying pan and pour over that egg-cream-cheese mix and put it the oven for about half an hour.

If you try to make this pie, then I would suggest you eat it the next day as really tastes better when it has cooled down and the filling has juiced up the crust.

Bon appétit!

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