Monday, June 04, 2018

Flower Nr.146

Or as I call it - clusterdrivenflower :)

I'm tight crocheter using DK weight yarn and size 4 hook.

Abbrevations used (US terms):
Col - colour :)
ch - chain
hdc - half double crochet
dc - double crochet
fphdc - front post half double crochet
fphtr - front post half triple crochet
fptr - front post triple crochet
hdtr - half double treble crochet
dc2tog - double crochet 2 together (form a cluster)
dc3tog - double crochet 3 together (form a cluster)
tr3tog - triple crochet 3 together (form a cluster)
sl st - slip stitch
ch sp - chain space

Pattern for clusterdrivenflower:
Round 1: Col A. Magic ring, ch 2 (counts as first dc of a cluster), dc2tog in magic ring. *Ch 3, dc3tog* repeat from * to * 3more times. Ch 3, sl st in top of first cluster. Fasten off.
(15 ch, 5 dc3tog)

Round 2: Col B. * Ch, dc2tog, ch 3, tr3tog, ch 3, dc2tog in ch sp of 1st round * repeat from * to * 4 more times. Sl st in first cluster. Fasten off.
(35 ch, 10 dc2tog, 5 tr3tog)

Round 3: Col C.
Make a standing *fptr over one dc cluster from 1st round. Fphdc over dc cluster on 2nd round. 4 hdc, 2dc in ch 3 sp. Fphtr over tr cluster. 2dc, 4hdc in ch 3 sp. Fphdc over dc cluster on 2nd round.* Repeat from * to * 4 more times.
(40 hdc, 10 fphdc, 20 dc, 5 fphtr, 5 fptr)

Happy crafting!


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